While the level of nudity on this site is nothing remarkable for modern advertising, my portfolio does contain examples of work done for Helix Studios, an award-winning producer of gay male pornography. There may be the implication of homosexual intercourse. There will be butts.

I stand behind whatever impression this makes because I know that all of those butts were treated with the utmost respect and professionalism. Over the last two years at Helix I've had the privilege to work with some of the most talented, passionate, and genuine individuals I've ever met. I sleep soundly at night because I know they operate with integrity even in an industry that often punishes them for it- a quality I greatly admire in an employer.

If you are unable to objectively appreciate the inherent creative challenges of this work then we probably wouldn't work well together but thanks for taking the time to take a look at what I have to offer anyway. Otherwise: happy browsing! Hit me up if you need a designer who takes pride in doing great work regardless of the artistic or social difficulty of subject matter.

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